Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So you may have noticed I deleted the rough copies from what was to be the "Igor" comic book.

Yes, it was imperfect, and the only reason it was put here was to show "the other guys" in Hollywood mine was out here first in case anyone wanted to claim I'd stolen their idea(s), which was never the case.

So why'd I take down these copies?

Simple -- they didn't represent the final draft, and were really published just as a means for all my friends to read it if they so chose.

But now, with promotions being picked up again, I felt I might as well keep it from the more public view as a means of protecting the material. I've gone through too much of this nonsense to just lose it.

So, in between crazy days of promotions (and trying to figure out "Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask") Igor will be whipped back into shape...not that it was out of shape -- think of it as a brief spin through a car wash to make sure all the pollen is off and that's it.

Maybe it'll go somewhere, and maybe it won't. That's just how it is.

And, if nothing happens (again) well I'll just post it again.


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