Tuesday, July 30, 2013


    Every story, they say, has a beginning -- a time once unknown to the populous as the chronicler of said story wasn't around then to hear about it, let alone commit it either to memory or word processor.

    This is one of those stories.

    Given the nature of this particular story, one might expect it to begin with a phrase that reads something like Once Upon A Lightning Strike, or the equally laughable On A Dark And Not Particularly Stormy Night, and though it is roughly true, such introductions to the main text would be somewhat appropriate, they too only begin in the middle and leave the genesis of it all hidden away.

    Not this time, though. Oh no, this time we're going back to explain it all away.

    Our subject matter consists of two bright eyed, hopeful youths. Both endure humiliation and the traditional parental tradition of stomping upon dreams. As separate entities, they are unfulfilled beings searching out for their unknown missing halves which will bring their dreams to the forefront of their lives, and together they will unite in a powerful force that will, hopefully, rule the world.

    But, for now, they'll have to find peace in their younger days.

    Let this be a lesson to all those whom dream big, yet are forced to deal with the humiliating mendacity of every day life: your time will come too. If it appears that Fate only seems to slap you around now, and you learn to slap it back, it'll provide you all you need, because that's when the foundations for dreams are laid.

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